
Friday, July 24, 2015

Hillary Clinton Pushes Back On Report Of Email Investigation

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on Friday said that there had been "a lot of inaccuracies" surrounding a New York Times report that the inspectors general at the State Department and the Intelligence Community  had asked the Justice Department to launch a criminal probe into whether emails with classified information had been mishandled in relation to the personal account she used while secretary of state.
Clinton pointed to comments by Rep. Elijah Cummings (D-Md.), the top Democrat on the Select Committee on Benghazi, who said on Friday that the IG had personally told him he did not request a criminal probe. A Justice Department official said in a statement Friday morning that “the Department has received a referral related to the potential compromise of classified information. It is not a criminal referral.”
"Maybe the heat is getting to everybody," Clinton said. "We all have a responsibility to get this right. I have released 55,000 pages of emails, I have said repeatedly that I will answer questions before the House committee." 
Hillary Clinton said that there had been "a lot of inaccuracies" surrounding a report about an investigation into potentially compromised classified information on her private e-mail server.

Hillary Clinton said that there had been "a lot of inaccuracies" surrounding a report about an investigation into potentially compromised classified information on her private e-mail server. | 
The Times issued a correction on the story on Friday, saying that the article "using information from senior government officials, misstated the nature of the referral to the Justice Department regarding Hillary Clinton’s personal email account while she was secretary of state. The referral addressed the potential compromise of classified information in connection with that personal email account. It did not specifically request an investigation into Mrs. Clinton."
During a speech on details of her economic policy in New York on Friday, Clinton said that she was being transparent.
"We are all accountable to the American people to get the facts right," Clinton continued. " And I will do my part. But I am also going to stay focused on the issues. Particularly the big issues that really matter to American families."
Correction: An earlier version of this story incorrectly stated the number of inspectors general from the State Department who had referred an investigation to the Justice Department. It was one inspector general from the State Department and one from the Intelligence Community.