
Tuesday, July 21, 2015

John McCain Responds To Comments He's Not A War Hero Because He Was Captured

Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) responded to criticism of his time as a prisoner of war, saying business mogul Donald Trump owes some military families an apology.
“I think he may owe an apology to the families of those who have sacrificed in conflict and those who have undergone the prison experience in serving their country,” McCain said on MSNBC's "Morning Joe" Monday.
At an event in Iowa on Saturday, Trump criticized McCain's time in the military, questioning if his time as a prisoner of war made him a war hero.
"He's a war hero because he was captured," Trump said during an appearance at the Family Leadership Summit in Ames, Iowa. "I like people who weren't captured."
"Perhaps he's a war hero, but right now he's said some very bad things about a lot of people."
McCain said he doesn't view himself as a hero, but said the people he served with are the ones who deserve more from Trump.
“When Mr. Trump said he prefers to be with people who are not captured, well, the great honor of my life was to serve in the company of heroes," McCain said Monday. "I’m not a hero. But those who were my senior ranking officers…those that inspired us to do things we otherwise wouldn’t have been capable of doing,  those are the people that I think he owes an apology to.”
After receiving criticism for the remark -- including from his 2016 GOP primary opponents --Trump argued McCain isn't taking care of U.S. veterans as a senator. On Sunday, Trump said he doesn't feel he owes McCain an apology for the remarks.
Watch a video of McCain above.