
Thursday, January 21, 2016

27 radicalised Bangladeshis arrested in Singapore under Internal Security Act: MHA

SINGAPORE – The Internal Security Act (ISA) arrested twenty seven (27) male Bangladeshis worker in Singapore. It was the first uncovered jihadist terror cell that comprises foreigners.

The investigations showed that the group arrested has been meeting subsequent to 2013, the group supported the armed terrorist groups such as Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) and the Al – Qaeda.

“Few of them were deliberated as the waging armed jihad workers, but they are not planning for any terrorist attacks in Singapore” – Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA).

The Bangladeshis works as construction worker, were arrested last year between November 16 and December 1. Most of them had stayed and worked in Singapore for seven years.

“They were a serious threat to Singapore, even though they were plotting "nefarious activities" in their home country.” – Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong

He added that Singapore is tightening its security and acting to protect its racial and religious harmony.

"Radicalization and terrorism must never take root in Singapore," said PM Lee. 

Law and Home Affairs Minister K. Shanmugam warned that the men could have easily changed their minds and attacked Singapore. 

"Our security agencies have done well in picking them up early. I had said yesterday ( that the threat of terrorism is real. We are getting daily reminders of that," Mr Shanmugan wrote in his Facebook post.

Of the 27, 26 were members of a closed religious study group that subscribed to extremist beliefs and teachings of radical figures like Anwar al-Awlaki, an American and Yemeni Islamic lecturer alleged to have ties with militant group Al-Qaeda. Awlaki was killed in a drone strike in Yemen in September 2011.

The remaining man was not a member of the study group, but was discovered to have been undergoing radicalisation. He supported extremist preachers and possessed jihadi-related material.

All 27 have had their work passes cancelled, and 26 of them have since been repatriated to Bangladesh, where the authorities were informed of the circumstances of their repatriation.

The last person is now in prison for attempting to leave Singapore illegally after learning of his fellow members' arrests. He will also be repatriated once he completes his sentence.

This is the first time Singapore has uncovered a jihadist terror cell comprising foreigners. Previously, a few Singapore Jemaah Islamiyah members had been involved in terrorist incidents overseas, said MHA in response to media queries.

The group held weekly meetings and gatherings at a few mosques that were located near where some of them were staying. At these meetings, they discussed armed jihad and conflicts that involved Muslims, said MHA in response to media queries.

They were not employed by any particular company.  "There was also no concentration of the group members in any particular place of abode," MHA added.

Source(s): Link

Sunday, January 17, 2016

Harry Potter fans raise a wand to late actor Rickman

Floral tributes (L) to British actor Alan Rickman are seen as people pose at the Platform 9 3/4 Harry Potter display at King's Cross station in London, on January 15, 2016
Floral tributes (L) to British actor Alan Rickman are seen as people pose at the Platform 9 3/4 Harry Potter display at King's Cross station in London, on January 15, 2016
Some left flowers, others a few heartfelt words. Fans of the Harry Potter saga paid tribute Friday to the late actor Alan Rickman at the mythical platform 9 3/4 at London's King's Cross station.
One letter left among the flowers at King's Cross reflected how Rickman had made the character his own.
"Dear Alan, I was so shocked to hear of your death," it read.
"I feel like a great light has gone out of the world. You have always been part of me for my childhood. You have understood and loved Severus more than any of us and a part of him dies with you."
Rickman, who died of cancer on Thursday, aged 69, gained legions of young fans with his portrayal of the morally ambiguous teacher Severus Snape in all eight "Harry Potter" films from 2001 to 2011
Platform 9 3/4 is where Potter departed for Hogwarts via the Hogwarts Express, and is marked by a permanent installation at Kings Cross, comprising a trolley -- complete with luggage and birdcage -- disappearing into a wall.
"It's really upsetting," said fan Sarah Winfield, 25, speaking next to a shrine by the trolley installation. "He was done with Harry Potter, but he wasn't done making good films, so it's sad."
Potter's creator J. K. Rowling has said she was "shocked and devastated" by Rickman's death, adding that he was "a magnificent actor and a wonderful man".
Daniel Radcliffe, who played Potter, said Rickman was "one of the greatest actors I will ever work with... and one of the loyalest and most supportive people I've ever met."
Winfield added: "Severus Snape is Alan Rickman and Alan Rickman is Severus Snape. I don't think anyone else could fill his shoes."
- January blues -
At the beginning of the saga, Snape -- a teacher at Potter's school Hogwarts -- is cold and unkind but develops into a more sympathetic character as his true motives are revealed.
Hordes of international fans took to Twitter to express their sadness, encouraging each other to re-enact the poignant moment during the series when Hogwarts pupils pay tribute to their deceased headmaster Dumbledore.
"Raise your wands for Mr. Alan Rickman aka Professor Severus Snape. You will be missed sir. May you rest in peace," wrote user Miriam Santiago.
Others took to online fan forums.
"I heard of his passing just as my day was winding down," wrote user "Steelsheen" on Potter forum "Snitchseeker".
"Shock gave way to sadness which gave way to exhaustion. You know news hits you bad when not even sleep could make it better. Onto the next great adventure Alan!"
Rickman is the second major British cultural figure aged 69 to die this week following a private battle with cancer after rock icon David Bowie's death on Monday.
"I'm a little emotional, it's been a difficult week, with David Bowie and Alan Rickman -- they were great idols of mine," said Brazilian Raquel Velho at King's Cross.
"Harry Potter has always been part of my life and when I saw that Severus Snape had died I had to do something for him," she added.
"Clearly we got up on the wrong side of this year," wrote fan "Ameh" on Snitchseeker. "Can we all just agree to go to sleep and start 2016 over again?"
Source(s): Link

Thursday, January 14, 2016



ClashBot 7.9.2 Official (Custom Troops, One Side Deploy, Snow Update, Break Handling)

ClashBot 7.9.2 Revision 1716

VIPs get many extra features that can help earn more resources. VIPs support the work here and we reward them with extra features and a chance to test our next version of the bot early. You can read all the features below.

This Release

Brand new feature(s) in 7.9.2:

Custom Troops - VIP members can use custom troops to build any troop composition including custom spells! (Currently doesn't pre-train troops or manage on screen messages well)
One-Side Deploy - Deploy Troops on One Side of the base now. With a special algorithm for air attacks!
Works with optional snow update - Added an option for the bot to use the new snow-definitions for the optional clash of clans update! You can select this feature in the debug tab. After you select it be sure to restart your bot.
New Personal Break Handling - We have figured out how to handle the Personal Break with ease. By selecting the "Actually take break" feature on the Misc tab. The bot will wait 15 minutes in order to reset your personal break so you can bot uninterrupted. This may reduce how long your personal break lasts and can get you back to botting quicker.

Release 7.9.2 Contains:

Custom Troops!
One sided deployment
Upgrades to Air-Attacks for One-Side Deploy
Optional snow update support!
New Personal Break Handling!
Slightly Dead Bases Works!

Bug Fixes/Improvements for 7.9.2

Donating now works with Level 5 Golems
Fixed Personal Break Handling
Detects Snow Automatically (And reminds you if you need it)
Return every bases works even if camps are full
Townhall detection improved
Boosting Issues Fixed
Improved resource collection
No "found base" sound when trophy dropping
Statistics reset Attacked and Skipped counter
Bot saves auto stop modules settings now

Source(s): Link

Sunday, January 10, 2016

Paolo Ballesteros transforms into Miss Colombia Ariadna Maria Gutierrez

The Eat Bulaga co-host and popular make-up transformation expert Paolo Ballesteros once again showed his creative ability by showcasing into a female personalities as he transformed into Miss Colombia Ariadna Maria Gutierrez.

Paolo Ballesteros transforms into Miss Colombia Ariadna Maria Gutierrez

Paolo shared a picture on his Instagram account with a name of ARIADNA GUCHENEZ.
 As always Paolo's transformation has earned an instant hit into his followers and other social medias. Some of his followers has complemented his creativity of transforming himself into an icon or to known personalities.

Even the real Miss Colombia Ariadna Maria Gutierrez replied to Paolo Ballesteros "ARIADNA GUCHENEZ" make-up transformation: "Omg, love it."

Recently, few weeks after the controversial Miss Universe 2015 wherein Steve Harvey made a terrible mistake by announcing the result wrongly. Miss Colombia was the First Runner-up and Miss Philippines was the actual Miss Universe 2015 winner.

The Colombian beauty contest is looking forward and still believe that she will be still the Miss Universe 2015 in her country.

Source(s): Link

Saturday, January 9, 2016

Stormtroopers and Dinosaurs: Why George Lucas and Steven Spielberg EON NEAL via Getty ImagesStill Ruled the Box Office in 2015

LEON NEAL via Getty Images
"There's been an awakening. Have you felt it?" - Supreme Leader Snoke, in Star Wars: The Force Awakens.
Supreme Leader Snoke wasn't kidding. In 2015, the Force not only awakened - it drank a whole pot of coffee, scored two touchdowns in the Cotton Bowl, and entered the New Hampshire primary, all before noon. Saturday Night Live even wants the Force to host the show this weekend - but the Force is apparently too busy interviewing for the Eagles' head coaching job.
Let's face it, Star Wars and the Force are back in a fist-pumping, Rocky Balboa-kind of way. Interestingly, Star Wars' only competition at the box office this past year wasJurassic World - another movie coming from a franchise that otherwise seemed to be enjoying its retirement, sipping guaro somewhere out on Isla Nublar.
The question is: how are these venerable film series still lighting it up at the box office, so many years on? And is there some vital secret about the entertainment legacy of George Lucas and Steven Spielberg - some clue to the amazing, ongoing appeal of their work - that in all the chatter on the Internet we still might've missed?
To recap, 2015 was truly a huge, record-smashing year at the movies - #1 all-time, unadjusted for inflation - and the surreal, gravity-defying numbers are still rolling in. Both Star Wars: The Force Awakens and Jurassic World are now among the top 4 grossing movies of all time - with The Force Awakens suddenly becoming the highest earning domestic film ever. Even adjusted for inflation (a more rigorous standard), both films will end up among the top 25 films of all time. That's apparently even including Taylor Swift videos and Geico commercials.
How unusual is this sort of one-two punch at the box office? Over the past 50 years, only four times (1965, 1973, 1994, 2015) have two films cracked the top 25-adjusted list coming out of the same year. So clearly there's something going on here.
As most people know, the original Star Wars (released in 1977) and Jurassic Park(released in 1993) were gigantic, sci-fi bookends to an era in popular entertainment largely dominated by Lucas and Spielberg. Working separately or together (as in the Indiana Jones films), the two directors forced a tectonic shift in Hollywood's business strategy away from making movies to please grouchy East Coast critics and Oscar voters to producing fan-friendly, sci-fi and fantasy fare for teenagers and kids. The industry hasn't looked back since.
What's surprising, though, is how popular their signature film series still are. The explanation for this is both simple and complicated.
Here's the simple part: Lucas and Spielberg long ago cracked the code for box office success by making movies for everyone. "Everyone" here doesn't just mean PG-rated, family-friendly, populist-style movies for all demographics - Disney, for example, makes those films all the time - but also movies for people who aren't already familiar with the literary or comic book properties on which movies are often based.
To put it simply: dinosaurs need no backstory.
More specifically, dinosaurs require no elaborate introduction - no "extended universe," no origin stories, pre-branding or comic book tie-ins - to tell you where they came from, or why you should be afraid of them. Nor, for that matter, do sharks, Nazis or aliens (all classic Spielberg elements) carry such nagging narrative requirements. You don't need to have read Michael Crichton's Jurassic Park or Peter Benchley's Jaws, for example, to follow the drama in Spielberg's thrilling adaptations of those novels - because the drama's coming straight at you from all those sharp, hungry teeth.
In other words, Spielberg's films have always had the unique ability to cut through their (usually) literary origins to appeal directly to our emotions. Indeed, his early masterpieces - like Duel or Close Encounters - are noteworthy for their lack of exposition, functioning mostly on powerful imagery and sound. Watch the opening minutes of Saving Private Ryan and you'll see how little narrative set-up Spielberg requires to sweep you right into a story.
And this is similarly true of George Lucas' Star Wars films - even when he's no longer making them - because Star Wars has always worked its unique magic on the level of myth and iconography, aiming directly for the id.
For example, Kylo Ren - the new Star Wars villain - was selling T-shirts, coffee mugs and action figures for months this past year before anyone knew who he was, or whether he was even human. Why? Because with his forbidding mask, amped-upBasso profondo voice, black hood and blood-red lightsaber, you already knew the guy was bad news - an electrified Mordred for the 21st century. The same is true of BB-8; the design brilliance of Star Wars' perky new robot harkens back to the best concept work done by Ralph McQuarrie on the original trilogy. BB-8's design communicated to audiences right away, before they were even in the theater, that they were in for a good time - a bouncing, rolling return to the cheerfulness of the original films.
None of this is news, of course, to long-time Star Wars fans - because whether it's the light side or the dark side of human nature, Star Wars always seems to summon the right form and voice; its pop-culture iconography, in other words, is of a very high order. There's an elegant simplicity to Lucas-inspired characters and stories - like the design of an iPhone - that makes them easy for large audiences to grasp and enjoy.
That's the "simple" part of the Lucas-Spielberg style: its direct, emotional appeal to large audiences.
The more complicated part of their legacy relates to how both Lucas and Spielberg spent the better part of their careers leading the way in technological innovation. A massive range of technologies - from motion control and THX sound, to digital editing and advanced CGI - have been by-products of the research and development that made both the Star Wars and Jurassic Park series possible. Probably the most famous example of this is Pixar - which began as Lucasfilm's computer graphics division.
Indeed, it's no exaggeration to say that the Star Wars and Jurassic Park films made digital cinema what it is today.
This legacy clings to the Star Wars and Jurassic Park series - and still forms a substantial part of their appeal. The biggest draw related to Jurassic World this past year, for example, was finally seeing a fully realized dinosaur park - something teased in earlier installments of the series, but never quite manifested on-screen due to technological restrictions. And while The Force Awakens featured no single breakthrough of that kind, it boasted of a more seamless integration of practical and digital effects than anything attempted for the prequels; this was, actually, the primary talking point about the film in the months leading up to its release.
All of this may simply be to say that film series with the legacy and appeal of Star Wars and Jurassic Park don't just fall off trees - they take years and whole careers to develop. Only James Cameron's films, and perhaps Peter Jackson's Tolkein saga, are really comparable - and that's mainly because Cameron and Jackson were similarly willing to put in the time and effort, to brave the expense and uncertainty of nurturing technological innovation. That kind of commitment is increasingly rare in our era of distracted/short-term thinking, of Vines and viral cat videos.
It should come as no surprise, then, that stormtroopers and dinosaurs - fairy tale visions conjured decades ago, and at great effort, by George Lucas and Steven Spielberg - are still ruling the box office today.
See more at The Huffington Post

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Brian Urlacher with hair? Ex-Bears LB sports new look

CHICAGO -- Former Chicago Bears middle linebacker Brian Urlacher embarked on a promotional tour Tuesday to show off his brand-new hair restoration.
This marks a drastic change in appearance for Urlacher, whom Bears fans remember sporting a shaved head throughout his entire 13-year playing career in Chicago.
Urlacher stopped by "WGN Morning News" to discuss the procedure.
Ex-teammate Lance Briggs couldn’t resist the opportunity to have fun with the story.

See more at ESPN 

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Source: JayR Concepts

Friday, January 1, 2016

Former 'Cosby Show' Star Keshia Knight Pulliam Engaged

A photo posted by keshiaknightpulliam (@keshiaknightpulliam) on
The actress known for playing Rudy Huxtable on "The Cosby Show" has a lot to be excited about in 2016.
Keshia Knight Pulliam flashed a snap of her new engagement ring early Friday morning, writing "Happy to spend not only my new year but my life with this guy!!!" The guy in question is former NFL star Ed Hartwell. Hartwell was previously married to "Real Housewives of Atlanta" star Lisa Wu.
Pulliam became the youngest actress to receive an Emmy nomination when, at age 6, she earned one for Best Supporting Actress for her work on "The Cosby Show." The actress, now 36, has recently appeared on "The Apprentice" and in "Tyler Perry's House of Payne."
The actress appeared on HuffPost Live in October to discuss an interview for her podcast, "Kandidly Keshia," with former co-star Bill Cosby, where she neglected to question him about the allegations brought forth against him from more than 50 women throughout 2015. 
"I chose not to [discuss it] because … that was not my experience with him, and I wanted to share with the world the man I knew," Pulliam said.

- The Huffington Post