
Saturday, June 6, 2015

A Brazilian man plays a guitar while having a brain surgery

Photo from: MailOnline
A Brazilian man continues to strum his guitar during his brain surgery in Hospital Nossa Senhora da Conceicao, Brazil.

According to the Hospital Nossa Senhora da Conceico of Brazil, a 33 years old bank employee Anthony Kullkamp Dias sang six songs while the doctors performed the his brain surgery to remove the diagnosed tumor.

Dias has been playing a guitar for 20 years, and also plays other instruments. He played “Yesterday” by the Bettles, some Brazilian Songs and his original song “Emanuel” that he dedicated to his son.

In an interview:

“Dias found out the tumor in his brain few days later after his son was born. He was awake and talking during the surgery to monitor and map the brain for possible injuries to areas that control motor function and speech, which might be affected by the removal of the tumor.” The doctor said.

“The brain tissue does not have sensors to pain. However, the skin and other surrounding tissue do, causing an interesting challenge to doctors on how to keep the patient awake and pain-free.” – said Dr. Jean Abreu Machado, the anesthesiologist and clinical director at the hospital.

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