
Thursday, June 25, 2015

Greek PM Slams Creditors For Rejecting Reform Proposal As Debt Talks Enter Final Stretch

BRUSSELS (AP) -- Greece was trying to bridge major differences with creditors Wednesday on a plan to make more reforms in the country in exchange for bailout loans it needs to avoid a potentially disastrous default next week.

Leftwing Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras criticized the International Monetary Fund as being needlessly picky about the reforms Greece had proposed, which consisted largely of tax increases.
A Greek official confirmed the IMF was focusing on toning down the tax increases, saying they can hurt businesses. The official, who asked not to be identified because the talks were ongoing, said creditors are demanding, among other things, a freeze on pensions, scrapping some proposed taxes and surcharges on business, and higher sales tax on some goods.

Read more at The Huffington Post

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