
Sunday, June 28, 2015

Donald Trump Pressed On How 'Traditional' His 3 Marriages Are

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump didn't have much of an answer on Sunday when pressed about how he squares his own marriage history with his opposition to same-sex marriage.
CNN "State of the Union" host Jake Tapper asked the business mogul to respond to criticisms over the twice-divorced Trump touting "traditional marriage."
"What do you say to a lesbian who's married, or a gay man who is married, who says, 'Donald Trump, what's traditional about being married three times?'" Tapper asked in a taped interview, which the host said was conducted ahead of the Supreme Court'sruling Friday against bans on same-sex marriage.
Trump didn't argue with the question, saying the hypothetical lesbian or gay man would "have a very good point."
He said his divorces were more about the fact that he worked too much, even though his two previous wives "were very good" and he is currently in "a great marriage."
"I blame myself because my business was so powerful for me," Trump said. "I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing."
Tapper asked him again what he would say to a lesbian or gay man who was married and pressed him on traditional marriage.
"I really don't say anything," Trump said. "I am just, Jake, I'm for traditional marriage."
After the Supreme Court ruling on Friday, Trump criticized Republican-appointed Chief Justice John Roberts, who dissented from the same-sex marriage ruling after siding with Democratic-appointed justices the day before to uphold a key provision of Obamacare.
Trump announced his campaign earlier this month and is narrowly trailing former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush in GOP primary polls, according to HuffPost Pollster tracking.
See more at The Huffington Post