
Monday, June 15, 2015

Bill Maher And Jeff Ross Slam PC Culture, Defend Jerry Seinfeld

Jerry Seinfeld's recent comments that colleges are too politically correct have been met with a lot of backlash, so Bill Maher and Jeff Ross came to the comedian's aid on "Real Time" on Friday.

"If Jerry Seinfeld is too politically incorrect for you, maybe you should look in the mirror," said Maher. Ross added: "Comedy is medicine. It's the best medicine, laughter. You don't want it generic. You want it potent."

Maher has been a staunch critic of PC culture in the past and, again, called out liberals for being too sensitive about being politically correct. Maher says he has had a "much better time" since the audience has stopped exclusively coming from "liberal sources."

The talk show host says he's going to address the topic further next week, so get ready for the PC bashing to continue.

"Real Time with Bill Maher" airs Friday at 10:00 p.m. ET on HBO. -

Source: Huffington Post