
Thursday, June 18, 2015

Pope calls for 'action now' to save planet, stem warming, help poor

Pope Francis
Pope Francis waves as he arrives to lead his Wednesday general audience in Saint Peter's square at the Vatican June 17, 2015.
Pope Francis demanded swift action on Thursday to save the planet from environmental ruin, urging world leaders to hear "the cry of the earth and the cry of the poor", plunging the Catholic Church into political controversy over climate change.

In the first papal document dedicated to the environment, he calls for "decisive action, here and now," to stop environmental degradation and global warming, squarely backing scientists who say it is mostly man-made.

In the encyclical "Laudato Si (Praise Be), On the Care of Our Common Home", Francis calls for a change of lifestyle in rich countries steeped in a "throwaway" consumer culture and an end to an "obstructionist attitudes" that sometimes put profit before the common good.

The most controversial papal pronouncement in half a century has already won him the wrath of conservatives, including several U.S. Republican presidential candidates who have scolded Francis for delving into science and politics.

But Latin America's first pope, who took his name from St. Francis of Assisi, the patron of ecology, says protecting the planet is a moral and ethical "imperative" for believers and non-believers alike that should supersede political and economic interests.

The clarion call to his flock of 1.2 billion members, the most controversial papal document since Pope Paul VI's 1968 encyclical Humanae Vitae upholding the Church's ban on contraception, could spur the world's Catholics to lobby policymakers on ecology issues and climate change.


The Argentine-born pontiff, 78, decries a "myopia of power politics" he said has delayed far-sighted environmental action and says "many of those who possess more resources and economic or political power seem mostly to be concerned with masking the problems or concealing their symptoms".

Because he has said he wants to influence this year's key U.N. climate summit in Paris, the encyclical further consolidates his role as a global diplomatic player following his mediation bringing Cuba and the United States to the negotiating table last year. 

Source: Reuters