
Friday, June 19, 2015

Hat Bought For £2 Expected To Fetch £1 Million At Auction

Napoleon's Hat
Napoleon's hat will be auctioned by Christie's next month.

A Scotsman bought the historically significant hat in 1814, and its value has appreciated by 500,000% in the past 201 years.

A hat bought for just £2 is expected to fetch more than £1 million when it goes on the auction block in London next month.

The black felt bicorne hat was worn by Napoleon throughout his 1807 campaign, which included the battle of Eylau and Friedland and the Treaty of Tilsit.

Napoleon Hat Auctioned
Napoleon wore the black felt bicorne hat for the whole of his 1807 campaign.
Sir Michael Shaw Stewart – a member of an aristocratic Scottish family – bought the hat in 1814 for £2.
"The hat has remained in the Shaw Stewart family since he bought it,” said Robert Copley, deputy chairman of Christie's UK.
"When dealing with a unique item like this hat is difficult to put a price on it, but we expect a lot of interest."
Napoleon Bonaparte: Nice hat, buddy.Napoleon Bonaparte: Nice hat, buddy.
Christie’s has set a guide price of £300,000 to £500,000 for the head gear, but a similar hat owned by Napoleon fetched £1.4 million at auction last year.

Shaw Stewart was fascinated by Napoleon and collected a number of items related to him over the next 15 years.
The other lots on sale include an imperial state portrait which Napoleon's mother gifted to Shaw Stewart, a playing card, a lock of hair and an unopened bottle of wine from Napoleon's Waterloo carriage.
“What is interesting is that all of these items were collected by one man between 1814 and 1830,” said Mr Copley.
"The whole of Europe was fascinated by Napoleon at the time and people continue to be interested in him today.
The hat, together with other relics, will be sold by Christie's at its 'Extraordinary Sale' in London on July 9.
Source: Yahoo News

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