
Wednesday, June 10, 2015

PH, Vietnam, China Hacking Exchange Intensifies Amid Sea Row

Photo taken from: 1937CN
Hackers loyal to China defaced the website of University of Sto. Tomas’ museum on late Monday, a report posted on UST website said.

Website visitors were greeted with loud music playing in the background and an image of soldiers at war. The image was posted online until 8:55 AM on Tuesday.
A hacker group, who identified itself as “China1737CN Team” claimed to be behind the incident.
It said Vietnam and the Philippines are only the “pawns” of the United States and Japan.
“South China Sea is China’s inherent territory, China’s territorial inviolability,” it added.
Upon checking the website, it appears that the UST museum hacking incident could have been retaliation to an earlier attached allegedly done by Filipinos and Vietnamese hackers.
The site shows a series of screenshots of defaced websites. The first screenshot was allegedly  done by a group called “United Hackers of the Philippines and Vietnam” with a message intended to China.
Photo taken from: 1937CN

Photo taken from: 1937CN

Photo taken from: 1937CN
“We’ve come to protest against your unjust actions over the South China Sea, your alleged claim on maritime territories, and your oppressive act has (sic) to stop! This can no longer be tolerated … Consider this as a warning, we will be back,” the message read.
The website also posted screenshots from Malaysian hacker site Global Security Hackers, an image of defaced Vietnamese site, a defaced Chinese website hacked by Filipino group Bloodsec  International, a website believed to be hacked by Indonesian group BOKAHACHER, and a Chinese website hacked by Vietnamese hacker AnonGhost.
Meanwhile, UST acknowledged that its museum website had been compromised, but added that the damage is limited only on the affected website.
“The University of Santo Tomas Museum Website has been compromised. However, the damage is limited to the said website,” the statement said. “We are currently addressing this unfortunate incident. Online access to this site is temporarily unavailable.”

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